Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Baby Steps

Baby Steps. Not my baby's steps, but my baby steps. It has been nearly three months since I had the twins and I have been slowly trying to get into good shape. This is something that I have worked on for many, MANY years and have had some success and some not so successful attempts.

This time I have so much motivation pushing me forward.

1. Setting an example for my amazing kids. I don't want them growing up thinking that restricting food and over exercising is "normal" I also don't want them growing up thinking it is okay to eat junk whenever you want and to not be active. That is just not realistic. I am pretty sure my kids have inherited some of my genes. If this is so, they will need to eat reasonably and exercise as adults in order to stay health and feel good about themselves. There is a happy medium that I am trying to achieve for myself as well as set that example for my children. That is a pretty powerful motivator.

2. My sister in law is getting married and I am in the wedding. Yes. I will be in a strapless dress in eight months, ready or not. I have been in weddings before and, honestly, wish I would have worked a little harder before my own wedding to feel more comfortable in my own skin. My goal for the wedding is to look at the pictures and be happy with what I see.

3. Clothes! I like so many clothes that I don't think look good on my body. One of my goals is to be able to wear some of those clothes with confidence. I don't want to feel like I have to hide under my sweaters in the winter and dread short season.

4. My husband. He deserves a hot wife. I know, without a doubt, that he loves me no matter what. in fact, I think he loves me more now with my post baby body because I gave him two children that we both adore. I helped make him a father and i know that makes me even more attractive to him. He has even told me that he will love my body no matter what, but if I want to lose weight and feel better, then he supports me. It is awesome to not have any pressure from him on the subject. No matter what, he loves me and thinks I am beautiful. Jackpot.

5. My health. I want to be around for a long, long time for my children. There is no better motivation than the thought of my children not having to worry about my health in the future.

So, I have been on weight watchers for about 1 month to help me understand portion sizes a bit better and have begun working out. It is very difficult for me to see my body in the mirrors at the gym. In fact, I look out the window whenever I can. I don't like what I see right not, but I am proud of my body at any size. This body carried twins to full-term (37 weeks is full term for twins). I delivered them vaginally and they only spent 2 days in the hospital. To say I love my body is an understatement. I want to improve my body so I love it even more. I know I can do anything physical that I put my mind to. I also know that it will take me time to get where I want to be. I struggle the most with getting caught up in how far I have to go, but I try to remember that I will get there one day and giving up will only keep me from achieving the goals I have listed above. It will take baby steps, but at least I am able to step at all, right?

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